NASA, U.S. Department of State, NIKE, and U.S. Agency for International Development collaboration
System Innovation Experiment (S.I.X.)
Client's Needs:
Identify and foster breakthrough innovations to address sustainability issues facing industry, government, and society.
About the Project
S.I.X. has proven to be an amazing example of what a business simulation can accomplish – encouraging people to collaborate, to take a systemic approach, and to have a great time.
Our reporting services and approach have included:
Providing overviews and recommendations of reporting framework options
Creating outlines and drafts of the report structure and format
Collecting information and data
Developing narratives, performance targets, metrics, and goals
Writing the report content
Providing graphic design
Leading review sessions with internal and external stakeholders and incorporating feedback
S.I.X. has proven to be an amazing example of what a business simulation can accomplish – encouraging people to collaborate, to take a systemic approach, and to have a great time. As an engagement and education tool, S.I.X. is both fun and effective, with 92% of players saying they came away understanding supply chain dynamics better, and 96% saying they are interested in bringing S.I.X. to their organization. S.I.X. was first rolled-out for a NASA, USAID, Nike and USAID summit focusing on fostering innovation and solutions for complex global issues. Following that successful event, businesses, governments, and educational institutes around the world have requested their own S.I.X. events. Clients have included Harvard, M.I.T., the Sustainability Apparel Coalitions (industry group that includes brands and suppliers representing over 1/3 of all footwear and apparel global production), IKEA, Patagonia, REI, Target, and Copenhagen’s Minister of Environment to name a few.
For more information on our business simulation and game services please visit our partner site: www.industrialgameanddesign.com